Psychiatry & TMS Blog

Milwaukee Psychiatrists

Oliver’s Story

Oliver’s Story

This is the story of Oliver. When in high school, he had a number of aspirations, he did alright at the time. He’d done research in neuroscience at the Rockefeller University under Dr. RIchard Hunter, competed in science competitions at places like the New York City...

Take care of your brain

Take care of your brain

Exercise, Stress, and the Brain Dr. Paul Thompson (PhD) discusses how our environment affects our brains and shows some rather interesting neuroimaging findings. Exercise affects our brain in a few different ways. 1)Blood flow. If your heart is working hard, your...

Neuroscience of depression and treatment

Mood normally fluctuates. Everyone experiences highs and lows in their lives. Sometimes changes in mood can become long-lasting, debilitating and impair one’s ability to hold down a job or meaningful relationships. Around 10% of people at some point suffer from...

I Got My Life Back

“For me, depression was a roller coaster, it went up and down and I never knew from day to day what was going to happen. I’ve been a guy that fixes things all the way through my career, through school, through growing up. The hardest part with depression and anxiety...

Can Magnets Heal the Heart?

Can Magnets Heal the Heart?

Barbara Alvarez discusses at the link below how processing a break up can go wrong and what can be explored if depression hits. Research shows that a break up can be a traumatic experience. People...

From Depression to Remission

From Depression to Remission

Anders experienced remission from depression after undergoing a course of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Although the devised used for this particular patient was a MagVita, Brainsway deep TMS has an even higher remission rate. In brief, his story is yet...

Texas TMS Center Shares Deep TMS Success Stories

Texas TMS Center Shares Deep TMS Success Stories

This practice shared a very interesting story of Carolyn, 69 years old, who struggled for many years with depression. Her psychiatrist performed a single photon emission commuted tomography (SPECT) scan both before and after deep transcranial magnetic stimulation...

Reboot the brain for depression

Reboot the brain for depression

Stacey Colino discusses the increasing use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for a variety of disorders! For many, placing your...

Treatment for depression and addiction

Treatment for depression and addiction

Israeli medtech firm aims to tackle depression, opioid use with noninvasive brain stimulation About 4.5 million Americans have treatment resistant depression. Meaning the first 2+ rounds of medication management and therapy have not been sufficiently helpful. Per the...

A game changer for OCD?!

A game changer for OCD?!

This is the first FDA-cleared treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder in a decade. OCD used to be jokingly called “Death Valley” as it is known that long periods of time tend to pass before more treatments are offered and OCD is notorious for how stubborn the...