If you suffer from depression, you may qualify for a new treatment that uses magnets, and has a high success rate for complete remission! David A. Kent, MD and founder or NuMe TMS Clinic, gave us a demonstration of this new technology.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an innovative therapy that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain’s nerve cells. This noninvasive procedure has been shown to improve symptoms of depression, even when more traditional depression treatments like antidepressant drugs have failed.
If you suffer from depression and have not seen significant improvement from traditional antidepressant medications like SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, and MAOIS, NuMe TMS Clinic`s Therapy may be a good solution for you. TMS Therapy doesn’t use a drug, so there are no foreign compounds introduced to the body and it does not have the side effects typically associated with drug therapy.
Who is a candidate for TMS and what are typical symptoms of depression?
Symptoms include:
• a disinterest or lack of pleasure in daily activities
• feeling down or hopeless
• atypical sleep patterns or appetite
• lethargy and low energy
• low self-esteem, and difficulty concentrating.
If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms and have not seen satisfactory improvement from traditional drug therapy, take the FREE self-assessment on NuMeTMS.com to find out if you might be a candidate for TMS therapy.
NuMe TMS Clinics Brainsway® Deep TMS Therapy, conducts therapy sessions more quickly and with greater efficacy than other TMS helmet technologies. During a session, the helmet containing the electromagnetic coil is placed on your head. It sends a magnetic pulse that stimulates the region of your brain involved in mood regulation. This treatment involves several repetitive sessions, with most patients seeing dramatic improvement after four weeks of daily weekday treatments.
Benefits of Deep TMS Therapy include:
• Convenient 20-minute treatments
• Persistent results in 4-6 weeks
• No drug-related side effects
• Non-invasive treatment
• Complete remission in 66% patients
• Competitive Pricing
• FDA Approved Treatment
• Works on treatment resistant depression.
[Read the Original Report Here]