Major depression affects over 14 million Americans. It is the leading cause if disability. This treatment works by generating magnetic pulses (the same types used in MRI machines) over the prefrontal cortex which regulates mood. This generates a gentle electric current. One of the ways it exerts therapeutic effects is by promoting release of neurotransmitters which have anti-depressive properties. Also, deep TMS allows us to reach deeper neuronal targets involved in depression that traditional TMS cannot. Jay Martin struggled with depression for literally decades. He underwent therapy, medication trials, even electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). He felt like he walked through life in a black cloud and did not enjoy the normal things you would think a person should be enjoying. It felt like it was 10 years since he smiled or laughed. He decided to try this FDA approved treatment and his depression lifted substantially. His entire outlook was different. Studies have shown this treatment modality can have sustained benefit with some patients remaining in remission at 1 year of follow up. Potential symptoms patients can experience in a course of treatment include transient headache which is usually gone by the second week of treatment and muscle twitching which most patients do not find distressing. Every patient at our office has been able to complete a full course of treatment and comfortably. Depending on individual insurance plans, TMS can bear some expense. But at NF Psychiatric, we work closely with each individual patient and every one of our patients who inquired about TMS have been able to complete treatment with minimal or not out of pocket cost.